Unleash the Power at Work
By Pastor Simon Mbevi
How would you describe the environment at your place of work, school or business? Fun, exciting, terrible, toxic, oppressive? While some businesses have profited greatly through Covid-19 crisis, others have been disrupted and some business models will never be the same again.
In order to win in this season, we will need to be innovative to survive and we need to raise work/business altars in these unusual times. This can be done by raising altars at work to enable us to be fruitful, to multiply and have dominion.
Here are some lessons, we can learn from Daniel 2: 14-28, 45-49
- There are dark forces in the marketplace –Do not be naïve or ignorant of the schemes of the enemy. Your workplace could have toxic cut-throat competition with people determined to bring you down. Daniel was in captivity in Babylon, a dark place with lots of idolatry, witchcraft and a crazy king who wanted to kill all the wise men because of a dream. God has called you into ‘Babylon ’to shine light in the darkness and to express the praises of God at Work.
- Raise an altar When trouble set in, Daniel called his partners to prayer to unleash divine power! Power and wisdom came from above, he found favor and got established even more. God’s altar is higher than all others (Verse 47). Daniel turned the whole land towards God and established God’s kingdom there.
The one message from Daniel is this: Raise an Altar in the Marketplace; Change your World!
Below are the ABCs of changing the marketplace:
Always start where you are – Raise an altar of prayer in the workplace by taking a 5 or 10 minute daily prayer for work or business or studies. Invite other Christians to join in and occasionally invite a pastor to come dedicate your workplace with prayers.
Be a model of Kingdom values – Are you living the lifestyle that will bring God’s kingdom into your workplace? Demonstrate godly values in the workplace because we cannot slay the dragon of corruption in the nation if we do not deal with it in our workstations. God wants to use you as he used Daniel to humiliate the works of evil and to establish a throne of righteousness and justice. It takes spiritual power to achieve this.
Continue with the assignment – Keep praying and working until transformation happens and you fulfill your assignment. Live in such a way that you attract questions. Then use your faith to answer them.
Take Out:
This week take time and write down what you would like to see God do with you in the marketplace (eg. new job or revival in business). Share with your accountability group and take time to pray for one another.
The church is like an army barrack. We are prepared to go and establish outposts for the King and his kingdom in the marketplace with is the main battlefield. If we are going to win the war for the transformation of Africa, and Kenya, we must bring power to the marketplace.
Raise an Altar in the Marketplace; Change your World!
Instead of just complaining about the evils at work, stand up and make the difference. As an entrepreneur, pray for favor and power to get contracts or business without bribery or kickbacks. As a teacher, pray over your classes and shape minds with positive words. As an assistant, pray over your boss and influence him positively. As a marketer, pray for God’s power to resist compromise and challenge falsehood.
As a student, pray over your college and see God change the place for good. As a banker, pray over your clients and where possible give biblical advice. What does God want you to accomplish in your current position? What is your assignment at work?
Ed Silvoso says, “Labor is the premier expression of worship on earth, and every believer is a minister.”
Pastor Simon Mbevi is the Founder and Executive Director of Transform nations. He holds a Law Degree from the University of Nairobi and M. A Leadership from Pan African Christian University.
For the full message click here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VfYXbNI2u3k&t=3575s