The God Who Restores

On 30 August 2022, our family business- a school left as an inheritance from my late mother- burnt down in the wee hours of the night. Upon hearing the news, my elder sister, who runs the school, rushed to the scene in Eldoret, Kenya. The kindergarten that had history from 1997 stood in ashes.

I couldn’t do anything at the time, as I was in a far away town. I asked God for ideas and prayed with my sister. I also sent verses of encouragement to the family. The next morning I reached out to a few family members, my friends and colleagues and began to fundraise. My target was between KES 200,000 and KES 250,000.

God had told me not to get a bank loan, that he would provide a way out. Brethren, in three days we had raised KES 200,000. By the end of that week, we had KES 250,000! Not only that, but money is still trickling in! As recently as the day before my writing this (20 September), we had passed the KES 350,000 mark!

God is the God of abundance. We now have fresh ideas for the school, and I see my sister with renewed hope. The God of Job restores. God gives beauty for ashes!



21 September, 2022