About OMBI
Do you want to strengthen your prayer life? Are you interested in expanding Gods influence over your workplace and taking territory there through prayer?Then this experience is tailor made for you.
OMBI is a Swahili word for prayer. It is a 10-week transformational experience in prayer designed to give you victory over workplace issues. As christians it is our responsibility to transform our workplaces into spaces for cultural significance and influence for God. OMBI equips you to pray for change, and take hold of the issues that impact your workplaces.
OMBI has drawn many closer to God, revived their prayer lives and increased their effectiveness in their workplaces. It is best done in small groups and encourages prayer and intercession in the local church.
Here is what some of the participants had to say:
Judy Wahome,
Credit Control Manager
This was phenomenal! I was struggling to pray; I hardly spent 15 minutes in prayer before this. Now I spend more than an hour daily in prayer. And I love it! I have also begun a prayer fellowship at work, and we are seeing results.
Pastor Luke Jaoko
Nairobi Chapel, Waiyaki Way
Having participated in five different Schools of Prayer in 2007, my life has not been the same again. It has been a time of going back to the basics of much needed spiritual disciplines that every believer needs all the time. But more than that, I have witnessed great transformation in the lives of over 120 graduates of School of Prayer in the church. This is a journey worth taking.
Liz Mwaniki
Communications Consultant
Before I started the class, I was like a dying flower…then came a great transformation! Now I look forward to spending time with God and my life is like a well tended garden.